Thursday, February 2, 2012

One bowl Triple Choc Brownies


I LOVE Brownies.

It's easy to make, and is less fussy than making a cake. You don't have to bother about creaming the butter and the sugar to the right 'fluffiness'. You don't even need a mixer for it. Just the good old wooden spatula will do, or in my case, a hand whisk. I've tried making brownies before, and the recipes are good, but the taste are not what I wanted. Till I found this recipe from Joy of Baking. I love this website. It has so many recipes that you can try, and the best thing is, some of them, even have video demos so that you can see the process of baking itself.  Anyway, I love, love, love the texture of this brownies, fudgey and chocolatey. YUMMY!

Triple Choc Brownies adapted from Joy of Baking
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Baking time: 40 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy

200 g dark chocolate
115 g unsalted butter
2 tbsp cocoa powder
100 g granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 large eggs
95 g all purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
50 g chocolate chips
50 g almond nibs or any other nuts (Optional)
Enough chocolate ganache for the topping (Optional)

1. Preheat oven and line an 9" square pan
2. Melt the dark chocolate and butter using double boiler method

3. Remove the melted chocolate mixture from the heat, and let it cool for 5 minutes. Then add the cocoa powder, sugar and vanilla essence and mix well using a spatula. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well with every addition. Make sure the eggs are well incorporated.

4. Add the flour and salt and mix well. Make sure you do not over beat the batter, or it will turn up dry.

5. Lastly, add in the chopped chocolates/ chocolate chips and nuts (if any) and mix well.

6. Pour into the baking pan and bake for about 20 minutes. DO NOT OVERBAKE to retain the brownie texture, otherwise you'll end up with a dense cakey-texture, yucks :(

7. After the brownies are baked, let it cool down, and then cover the top with chocolate ganache., and eat! YUMMEHHHHH......

Happy trying,

p/s: try it with vanilla ice cream, HEAVENLY......

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